Avis Brown

Avis “Coach Curator” Brown

Avis “Coach Curator” Brown, televised on several NBC news affiliates discussing ways to deal with stress and anxiety, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board Approved Clinical Supervisor with 30 years of experience in a variety of settings with adults, children, and families. She has extensive experience in working with survivors of sexual trauma.

Avis is the owner/founder of Victory Unlimited, LLC. In additional to providing clinical services, she is a certified Wellness Coach, specializing in self-care for professionals in high pressure positions. She self-published “Ignite: The Sassy Self-Care Planner Journal”, “Sage Scripts: The 30-Day Affirmation Coloring Book”, “Silver Lining Self-Care Plan for Youth Workbook”, and an eBook, “Girl, G.R.I.E.V.E.”